Phone: 713.825.5695
Rick Grett had previously worked with the clients on their former residence. For this home, the owners sought to blend their existing furnishings with new items and to provide a lighter balance to the home’s rich mahogany interiors.
Inspired by old-world European mosaic floors, Rick designed the Entry rug to balance the mahogany paneling. His console design (oak legs with a Rosso Collemandina marble top), the center table, and the Klismos bench soften the block paneling along with the five Anzalone pastel landscapes.
The Living Room area rug (designed by Rick for the clients’ former home) served as inspiration for the new Entry and Gallery Hall rugs. Rick designed the hand-wrought fire screen and fire tool set to harmonize with the home’s Tudor architecture. A pair of mahogany tables with classic bronze urn lamps flank the cast stone fireplace.
A Turkish rug in the Study contrasts with the dark paneling and bookcases. The Zebrawood table, Lacewood-framed lounge chairs, and bronze table are complemented by Rick Grett’s stingray shagreen cocktail table with glass rod legs. Silk cut velvet upholstery adds a traditional element to the modern art by Resika and Schorre.